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Lise Pape - Product Designer

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

Lise Pape was originally from Denmark and moved to London 2001 to study Human Biology and design at Kings College. however she later dropped the due to not seeing a future in the career path. After college Lise went to work in a neuroscience lab which she said after a while she found a bit boring and lonely for this reason she transferred to the Danish Embassy in London helping others find jobs. In 2012 she found a Master course at the royal college of arts in innovation design engineering and this helped her back onto the path of electrics within product design. She then decided she wanted to make a start up called Walk With Path which is what she spoke to us about during the lecture.

Walk with path was created to help with human centred design which was for people with Multiple Sclerosis as it was a personal issue to her as her farther had this. she specifically looked at the aspect of moving and how they struggled to get around and wanted to do something about this. Following this she explained her design process from first hand research to the prototyping and development. She spoke about the problems that arose with her project and how she got around them.

Overall I found the lecture from Lise very interesting and useful to the work I am doing currently she explained the importance of this design process she followed and how those skills are transferable from project to project. For example this will be the same process I can refer back to with my major project to ensure I am on the right path and know what I am doing at each individual stage.

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