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Anthony Luvera - Photographer

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

Currently Anthony Luvera is collaborating with many individuals from different backgrounds to speak about their lives and experiences and this includes but is not limited to; homeless people, mental health issues and people who identify as LGBTQ+. He collaborates with these people to help give them a voice to the community that they themselves might not be able to voice as loud. Before all of this he originally lived in Australia where he studied photography at the Edith Cowan university.

When he moved over to the UK he didn’t have any money so was temping for a company while doing small jobs on the side, he was later approached by his friend wo said he should come do some work with a homeless charity called Crisis Christmas. A little down the road he came across an opportunity to access a large amount of disposable cameras from Kodak and started hosting drop ins at the Crisis Christmas foundation to give to the homeless people to take photos of what they’re interested in. from this he wanted to create an exhibition to show off all of their work and explore their day to day lives and bring awareness to them.

The talk with Anthony was quiet eye opening in the sense of how he worked so much with people like the homeless that most of us tend to overlook and not think about. So from this is has helped me to understand that we need to be able to work with all people no matter their social or economical background. The fact that he had a job and gave that up to work with these people shows his commitment and care for the cause he was looking into.

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