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Interview Reflection & Feedback

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

I feel that going through my interview I was able to clearly explain what I was talking about and managed to get the timing on it perfect so It wasn’t too short and also didn’t run over, along with this after the presentation the interviewer had some questions about the work I created. Since I had practiced my presentation over and over I was able to answer all the questions he had to for me without a problem showing that I knew what I was talking about.

Next was to look at my feedback of what the interviewer and the lecturers that marked it though of my work. Overall they agreed that I knew what I was talking about and it had a nice clear structure. For my development they suggested working on the layout a little by reducing the sizes of fonts in the title so I am able to fit more of my work in and making sure my graphics are the main focus by removing the background of them to make them the main focus.

Overall I found this interview to be very useful as it has shown how my confidence has grown through my time at university along with my skills as a product designer as the interviewer was a product designer himself and he liked it. It has also benefitted me as the style that I use for my presentation templates keeps to a similar style based on what it is about but I now know how I could further develop that to make sure it is 100% clear and gives all the information that is required.

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