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Interview Preparation for Industry

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

To start the preparation for the interview I first had to decide on what I would showcase and break that down slide by slide. As I am wanting to go into teaching, I feel it would be most valuable if I am able to show off all my skills that I have picked up through the years at university in and out of the classroom. For this reason I decided to focus on my most recent project because it was the most fresh in my mind and it included everything I wanted to demonstrate including; Research, Concept, development through to how I present the final product. As my most recent project was CAD related, I also wanted to include some physical making towards the end to demonstrate those skills too.

After deciding on the content my presentation would contain, I made some short notes for each slide in case I needed to look at them during the interview. After I had my short notes I went through my presentation slide by slide and practiced what I would want to say on each one and made sure that it all flowed well and didn’t feel like I missed anything. While I was going through each page in the back of my mind I was making sure that it explained everything it needed to so when I got to the ned of the development you could see the final product and understand the path that I had taken to get there.

Overall I feel that my portfolio presentation reflects what I want to do after university as best as it could do. Explaining all of the project in a short time will be challenging but I feel with the practice I’ve done making sure I’ve mapped everything out and not missed anything I am going into this as strong as I can be. Designing this presentation has been fun and could also a transferrable skill needed for the future of teaching as this is something I will have to be doing daily.

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