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Student ambassador & Representative

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

To help get some form of experience I decided to get some work with the university as a student ambassador. The role of this job included helping out on open days and also interview days for students with things like checking them in, showing them around and answering any questions that they may have had about the university or the course itself.

The first time I did this was back in October of 2021, and most recently in March 2022. This role has helped me develop my people skills with the same kind of students that I would be working with in a high school as they are looking at their next ateps in University. I have had some of the students say my insight has been helpful to them in understanding the course more and the university which was because of my experience there.

Not only was I an ambassador for the University I was the 2022 student representative for my year. This role involved me talking to the people eon my course to get feedback on what was good about the course, what they think should be don’t differently and what to keep the same. Not only did I voice their opinions and concerns but my own as well to how the course may be developed for students in years to come. Our course lecturer was bale to take all of my input on
board and has come to me to ask about changes that she could make for the people who will be moving up to third year in 2023.

Overall these roles within the university have helped me develop a lot of skills, the main one been my communication. Being able to interact with students is a vital role for a teacher as they need to be able to clearly communicate information for feedback and development. It also helped with my communication with other lecturers as for the reps it would be set in a meeting format as a discussion for people all over the university to talk about.
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